Seminars and events

LIFE ALCHEMIA FINAL EVENT 30th September 2021. In person / Online (previous registration) The final event of the LIFE ALCHEMIA project will be held on 30th September, 2021, and will take place in person and online. In both cases, prior registration is required through...

LIFE ALCHEMIA On-line seminar: 17 june 2021
NATURAL RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION On-line Seminar, 17th June 2021 (registration required). The seminar “Natural radioactivity in water for human consumption” is organized within the frame of the European Project LIFE ALCHEMIA, financed by the LIFE...

LIFE ALCHEMIA training seminar: 3-4 March 2020. Viimsi (Estonia)
PURIFICATION OF DRINKING WATER FROM NATURAL RADIONUCLIDES AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR NORM 3-4 March 2020. Viimsi (Estonia) The consumption of drinking water can be a source of additional radiation dose for humans, thus it is important to monitor and guarantee the...
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